Hannah--New Normal

 Hola hola!

Another awesome week in Yakima! This email will be very short and sweet because I don't have any time to write this... Oops!
We are very busy teaching people online and in person! We saw many miracles, one in particular with a guy named Leo! He messaged Hermana Furnell and said he wants to learn more about how to be happy. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and he was loving it! We asked him if he wanted missionaries to come visit him since he lives in New York and he said yes! So we sent him over to the elders in Manhattan. They told us today that they taught him the Restoration and he attended Zoom church, so things are going good for our friend Leo :)
Missionary work is changing in such an amazing way. This is our "new normal" and we have to adjust to these changing times, because we know that things will never be as they were before! I love being a missionary and I'm so grateful to be a part of these changing days.
Have an amazing week, keep serving others, and always smile!!!
-Hermana Blatter
1- crazy wind!
2- a pretty picture
3- sunset!!!



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