Hannah--Anotha One

 Hola Hola!

This was such a good week! How is it already Pday? Anyways let's jump right to it!
BIG NEWS! The Columbia River temple opened! It's actually right next door in the Washington Kennewick mission, so I'll get to cross the border to a new mission! My parents are coming up October 30th so I can go through with them! Also we get to go to Costa Vida after! YAYYY!
On Wednesday we had a lesson with a member family who has a granddaughter who isn't baptized. We brought our ward mission leader with us and the lesson went so well! The Spirirt was so strong and the granddaughter is so excited to be baptized. We love her!
Thursday we went to a member's house and painted some rooms in their house. Then they gave us Dominos after so win win.
This Saturday we had a car wash in Sunnyside! Our whole zone was there and it was so fun to go back to my old area and see my friends. It was overcast all day, so we were definitely worried that it was going to rain! God is good, and the sky cleared up right when we started!
It is apple season here in Washington! All of our friends are bringing us apples from working in the fields! We made an apple crisp this week, and it was SOOO GOOD!
We also got paletas (popsicles) two times this week. Good times!!
3 Nephi 27:29
"Therefore, ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for he that asketh, recieveth; and unto him that knocketh, it shall be opened."
This was my favorite scripture this week! Sometimes we feel like we can take on our problems on our own and we don't need help from anyone. However, God is our loving Father in heaven, and He wants nothing more than His children to reach out, and allow Him to ease the burdens on our backs. All we have to do is have faith and reach out to Him. I have definitely had times in my mission where I've felt I can take on problems and stress on my own, but when I've relied on my Savior, the trials are easier to carry and overcome :)
I hope you all had a good week! Keep being awesome and serving others! I feel your love out here, and I hope you know how much I love you all!!!
Also shoutout to my Mom, Kristi, and Jenna for the presents <3
-Hermana Blatter

3- our names on the wall!
6- apple crisp!!



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